Hello I'm


Front-End Developer.

Endeavouring to be a full-stack developer.
Aspiring to build projects that change the world.

Take a look at my work!

About Me

Front-End Developer!

An aspiring & curious young programmer with a pursuit to revolutionize the tech industry. Passionate about coding and driven to learn multiple skills to bring out the best work put forward that helps the community.

More About

Wondering what can I do?

My Skill-set

Web 2.0 development

Refers to worldwide websites which highlight user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end users. Includes AJAX & JavaScript Frameworks. Web 2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end user.

React. JS

An open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI Components. React components implement a render() method that takes input data and returns what to display.

Creative Design

Designing meaningful, functional and unforgettable user experiences. Build data-driven insights that represent the voice of the user & resonate with designs that user falls in love with. Create powerful digital experiences.

AWS Cloud Operations

Operating in the cloud allows IT teams to focus on business outcomes, optimizing IT processes while accelerating software development and innovation.

AWS Badge


Latest Project

React Enquiry Page

A custom enquiry page that stores the necessary details and stores it to the google spreadsheet. Built using React. Js & RestAPI.

Keeper App

A place where you can store your memos & notes. Built using React. JS

Drummer Bot

A webpage built using JS plays the sound of drum kits when we click on their image.

Sudoku Solver

Building a Sudoku Solver using Backtracking algorithm through the N-queen's approach.

A Safe Place

A responsive webpage built using HTML, CSS & Bootstrap for Mental Health.

Hospital Network Design

In this network the nodes (i.e., switches, routers or other devices) are connected to a LAN.

Contact Me!

Or perhaps buy me a cup of coffee?

I'm a Front-End Developer - just trying to do better. Learning & building stuff that adds value to the world.

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All Rights Reserved.